Or, as phrased on my other half's Facebook wall: "Go go Dalek Rangers!"

Who's the pink Dalek?
by Alan
Or, as phrased on my other half's Facebook wall: "Go go Dalek Rangers!"
On the money. A plot shouldn't serve product placement. No idea if the show was created to shift new Dalek toys, but the episode was clearly a vehicle to introduce a new type of Dalek, and was a shambles as a result. A shame, as the first ten minutes were great. The second the Daleks' plan was announced, it all fell apart, and by the time we got to the daft ticking android scene, it was in self-parody territory. (And as many reviewers pointed out, the Doc has a TARDIS and a devastating bomb: drop the guy off on the Dalek ship already!) Some scenes, like the Spitfires in space, were barmy Who fun, but the whole was not equal to the parts.
by Wobag
Its hard to argue against the detractors that this was anything more than a marketing motivated attempt to sell a whole range of new Dalek toys.