Awww, i wanna go *sad*
My Chemical Romance Secret Gigs!!
Not 100% certain but worht a shot...
My Chemical Romance are expected to be playing 2 secret gigs at the Underworld in London on August 23rd and 24th - tickets on sale today at 5pm from the venue.
My Chemical Romance are expected to be playing 2 secret gigs at the Underworld in London on August 23rd and 24th - tickets on sale today at 5pm from the venue.
15 Replies and 6377 Views in Total.
Why are all the gigs in London?!
by Miss Corrupt
First Foo Fighters now blimmin MCR...why are all the gigs on when I'm away?!
Hehe, because London rocks!
Some bands don't come to London, especially really underground bands which is really sad because it's sometimes hard to hear new music.
Also, Rammstein tour this time round doesn't have a London date, which broke my heart.
My mates got tickets to the secret gig so they're happy. Tossers.
Some bands don't come to London, especially really underground bands which is really sad because it's sometimes hard to hear new music.
Also, Rammstein tour this time round doesn't have a London date, which broke my heart.
My mates got tickets to the secret gig so they're happy. Tossers.

Liverpool also rocks, but some bands are mean and dont come up here
grr to them!
now i've got my angry face on, I LOVE mcr as well! Although we do have McFly for the Matthew street festival...and Tony Christie and supposedly the Buzzcocks :S...still not as good *end of moan*

Oh, and I'm going to this by the way
Tuesday is sold out, but Wednesday isn't most likely becasue the foo fighters are playing at The Astoria the same night..
(Edited by Ethan 19/08/2005 20:51)

(Edited by Ethan 19/08/2005 20:51)
I'm going up there next weekend (although not specifically for McFly
by Eve
Although we do have McFly for the Matthew street festival...and Tony Christie and supposedly the Buzzcocks :S...still not as good *end of moan*

I was going to go and get those free tix on my lunch hour because its the same day as my birthday, I work in Spinney house which is above Littlewoods and when i got to work at five to 8 there were already 50 million kids queueing up so I just left it, probably go for a wander if the weathers good though!
by DJ Billy
I'm going up there next weekend (although not specifically for McFly )
The gig whooped ass BTW
Some pics can be seen at